
Remote Sensing Data for Development Cooperation

From April 21 to May 12 2020

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyse and manage geographical data. The goal of both courses is to train participants to exploit the ever-increasing available satellite data with open source software as a useful tool in several development cooperation applications.

The 1st course Remote Sensing Data for Development Cooperation” is addressed to anyone who wants to acquire skills about satellite open data search, download and use as a tool for supporting activities in the frame of international projects.

Only open source app (mostly for Android) and software will be used to ensure a full sustainability of future application of training contents and methodologies replication.

Neither specific prerequisites nor particular skills are required to enrol: you need just one computer with internet connection, be able to rename a file/folder and open files. All training goals will be achieved starting from zero. The module  will include theoretical lessons and practical exercises. One Slack group will be activated during the course to facilitate interaction between the participants and the trainer.

Registration deadline: March 31

Remote Sensing Data for Development Cooperation

120 Sconto del 10 % per chi ha già frequentato o è iscritto ad altri corsi della Scuola COSPE
  • 6 modules
  • 9 hours

The course in detail


Module 1: Introduction to Geomatics – 21/04/2020 18:00-19:30

Module 2: Open Satellite data and fundamentals of Remote Sensing – 23/04/2020 18:00-19:30

Module 3: Classification techniques for Land Use mapping – 28/04/2020 18:00-19:30

Module 4: Georeferencing techniques, vector layer production and editing – 05/05/2020 18:00-19:30

Module 5: Open DEM, derived data – 07/05/2020 18:00-19:30

Module 6: Raster reclassify, change detection and raster calculator – 12/05/2020 18:00-19:30

The course is available both as classroom lessons and online lessons through our webinar platform. Moreover, all lessons are recorded and available to registered participants for re-listening during your most convenient time.

All lessons will be taught in English.

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