Technical logistics

From June 18 to July 2 2020

The LOGISTICIAN is one of the profession most in demand today by NGOs and international organizations; as happens for a few other professionals, in fact, the LOGISTICIAN is an indispensable figure in any type of project and both junior figures and highly experienced profiles are required.

The proposed LOGISTICS course is divided into 2 sections: GENERAL LOGISTICS and  TECHNICAL LOGISTICS; the course aims to present the main areas of intervention of the LOGISTICIAN engaged in international cooperation projects and in humanitarian and emergency projects.

The main characteristic of the LOGISTICIAN must therefore be to have a 360 degrees view of the projects, seizing and managing the interconnections between the different areas: the LOGISTICIAN must not replace the engineer, the environmental technician or the administrator, but must know how to deal with each of them. The LOGISTICIAN must be passionate about complexity and teamwork, must have a strong propensity for multidisciplinarity, having to deal with both management and technical aspects of a development or emergency project;

A good LOGISTICIAN is often the backbone of the project team, a constant point of reference for colleagues and beneficiaries.

Registration deadline: May 25


  • 5 modules
  • 15 hours

The course in detail


Lesson 1: Telecommunication principles: how to choose the best ICT solutions, good practices. – 18/06/2020 17:00-20:00

Lesson 2: Wash Management.– 22/06/2020 17:00-20:00

Lesson 3: Construction: Design and Works Supervision. Principles of electrical and mechanical plants. – 25/06/2020 17:00-20:00

Lesson 4: Technical Problem Solving and Construction Case Studies, practical guide. – 29/06/2020 17:00-20:00

Lesson 5: Principles of Business Intelligence applied to Logistics. Conclusions: professional horizon and job placing opportunities for Humanitarian Logisticians  – 02/07/2020 17:00-20:00

The two sections are available both as classroom lessons and online lessons through our webinar platform. Moreover, all lessons are recorded and available to registered participants for re-listening during your most convenient time.

All lessons will be taught in English.

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